Airport ATM Locator - MasterCard
Global ATM Locator - Airport
MasterCard Global ATM Locator - Find airport ATMs worldwide - Listed by country.
American Express Travel
Service Locations - American
Express Travel Service Locations -
ATM Visa Locator Quick
Search -ATM Visa
Locator Quick Search - Visa and Plus ATM worldwide locator engine.
CIA World Fact Book -
World Fact Book
- A wide ranging storehouse of data on all the world's nations from the
CIA - this is proof that the CIA actually does gather intelligence.
CyberCafes.Com - CyberCafes.Com-
Find Cyber Cafes Around The World. - This site contains a database
of 3325 internet cafes in 133 countries. You can search by city or
country name for a list of cafes found in that location, or click
on the HyperLinked-Map for quick access to regional listings. Listings
include location (country, city, address), home page URL, and
e-mail address.
Cybernet Cafe Search
Engine - Cybernet Cafe Search Engine- Find Cybercafes worldwide
- the database contains listings for 4572 verified cybercafes, public
internet access points and kiosks in 141 countries.