of Poland in Buenos Aires, Argentina - Calle Alejandro María
de Aguado, 2870 1425, Buenos Aires. Tel: (54 11) 4802 9681.
Fax: (54 11) 4802 9683. E-mail: polemb@datamarkets.com.ar
of Poland in Dhaka, Bangladesh - 53 Gulshan Avenue, Gulshan Model Town,
Dhaka - 1212, Dhaka, Bangladesh. Tel: (880) 608 503, 606 098.
of Poland in La Paz, Bolivia - Calle Potosi 1321, La Paz, Bolivia.
Tel: (591 2) 233 8932, 233 8678. Fax: (591 2) 215 4749. E-mail:
of Poland in Brussels, Belgium - Avenue des Gaulois 29, 10 40, Brussels.
Tel: (32 2) 735 7212, 735 7442. Fax: (32 2) 736 1881. E-mail:
of Poland in Brussels, Belgium - Rue des Francs, 28 1040 Brussels.
Tel: (32 2) 739 0100, 735 7212. Fax: (32 2) 736 4459. E-mail:
of Poland in Sofia, Bulgaria - Ul. Chan Krum 46, 1000 Sofia.
Tel: (359 2) 987 2610, 987 2660. Fax: (359 2) 987 29 39. E-mail:
of Poland in Bogota, Colombia - Unicentro Calle 104 a, No. 23-48, Bogotá,
Colombia, Apartado Aereo 101363. Tel: (57 1) 214 0400, 214 0143.
Fax: (57 1) 214 0854. E-mail: epolonia@col1.telecom.com.co
of Poland in San Jose, Costa Rica - Avenida 9, Calle 33 No. 3307, San
José, Costa Rica, 664-2010 Correos Zapote. Tel: (506) 2251
571, 2251 481. Fax: (506) 225 1592. E-mail: olonia@sol.racsa.co.cr
of Poland in Zagreb, Croatia - Ul. Krlezin Gvozd 3, 10000 Zagreb.
Tel: (385 1) 489 9444. Fax: (385 1) 483 4576. |
Embassy of
Poland in Santiago, Chile - Mar del Plata 2055, Providencia, Santiago
de Chile. Tel: (56 2) 204 12 13, 223 6341. Fax: (56 2) 204
9332. E-mail: embchile@entelchile.net
Consulate of Poland in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic - Los Nogales
No. 7, Ens. Bella Vista, Santo Domingo. Tel: (809) 532 5413, 532
7898. Fax: (809) 533 2110. E-mail: Jose.minino@codetel.net.do
of Poland in Quito, Ecuador - Leonidas Plaza 1157, Quito, Dirección
Postal Casilla 9461, Quito. Tel: (593 2) 2229 293. Fax: (593
2) 2566 787. E-mail: morawski@uio.satnet.net
of Poland in San Salvador, El Salvador - 43 Avenida Norte No. 204,
Colonia Flor Blanca, San Salvador. Tel: (503) 230 881, 230 813.
Fax: (503) 241 116. E-mail: emplacforemost@hotmail.com
of Poland in Athens, Greece - Chryssanthemon 22, 154-52 Paleo Psychico,
Athens. Tel: (30 1) 0677 8260, 0677 5742. Fax: (30 1) 0671 8394.
E-mail: atenyamb@internet.gr
of Poland in Rome, Italy - Via Rubens 20, Rome. Tel: (39 06)
322 4455. Fax: (39 06) 322 3990. E-mail: polish.embassy@agora.stm.it
of Poland in DF, Mexico - Calle Cracovia 40, Colonia San Angel, 01000
México, D.F., Apartado Postal 20383. Tel: (52 55) 5550 4700,
5550 4878. Fax: (52 55) 5616 0822. E-mail: ambrpmx1@mail.cpesa.com.mx
of Poland in Managua, Nicaragua - Los Robles R-17, Managua. Tel:
(505) 780 834. Fax: (505) 780 834. E-mail:rvargas@nic.gbm.net
of Poland in Panama City, Panama - Calle Anastacio Ruíz, Urb.
Marbella, Ciudad de Panamá, Apartado Postal 8782, Panamá
5, Panamá. Tel: (507) 263 6254, 263 5097. Fax: (507)
223 3717. E-mail: hek@pananet.com
of Poland in Asuncion, Paraguay - Palma 685, Asunción, Paraguay,
Apartado Postal 276. Tel: (00 595 21) 448 520, 447 266. Fax:
(595 21) 495 807.
of Poland in Moscow, Russia - Ul. Klimaszkina 4, 123557, Moscow.
Tel: (7 095) 231 1500. Fax: (7 095) 231 1515, 231 1555. E-mail:
of Poland in Madrid, Spain - Calle Guisando, 23-bis 28035 Madrid.
Tel: (34 91) 373 6605. E-mail: madryt@embajada-polonia.org
Mission of Poland to The United Nations in New York, United States of America
9 East 66th Street, New York, NY 10021. Tel: (212) 744 2506.
Fax: (212) 517 6771. E-mail: polun@undp.org
of Poland in Montevideo, Uruguay - Jorge Canning 2389, C.P. 11600 Montevideo,
Apartado Postal 1538. Tel: (598 2) 480 1151, 480 1313. Fax:
(598 2) 487 3389. E-mail: ambmonte@netgate.com.uv |