Listings For Tibet
Online Information For
Occupied Tibet
China is
showing a smiling face to the world while brutally crushing Tibet - a police
state where supporters of the Dalai Lama can be beaten to death. The human
rights situation in Tibet remain a major source of concern. Human
rights inside occupied Tibet remain appalling. China uses Tibet as
a Disneyland type tourist attraction for the Chinese. That China should
be awarded the Olympics is a travesty. Right minded human beings
will boycott
the games - China is undeserving of respect as long as it disrespects
the rights of other nations. International Olympic Committee members supported
China's bid to host the Olympics, encouraged by their president, Juan Antonio
Samaranch. Chinese authorities, satisfied by the IOC decision, reinforced
repression against Internet users, Tibetans, members of the Falungong spiritual
movement, foreign scholars, the Muslim Uigur minority, democrats, foreign
journalists and delinquents, all "in the name of the Chinese Olympics".
- China is the only major world power to have entered the twenty-first
century with
a thriving prison camp network-a frightening, mostly hidden realm
known since 1951 as the laogai system. |
Government in Exile's Official Web Site - Tibetan
Government - site is maintained and updated by The Office of Tibet,
the official agency of His Holiness the Dalai Lama in London.
Online - Tibet Online - Tibet Online
is operated by the international Tibet Support Group community, providing
information on the plight of Tibet and serving as a virtual community space
for the movement.
Tibet Support Network - Tibet
Support Network - The International Tibet Support Network (ITSN) is
a collective of Tibet related non-governmental organizations from Europe,
Asia, the Americas and Africa.
Campaign for Tibet - Save Tibet - Save
Tibet -
Tibet Campaign - Free Tibet
- based in London, stands for the Tibetans' right to decide their
own future. It campaigns for an end to the Chinese occupation of Tibet
and for the Tibetans' fundamental human rights to be respected.
Information Network (TIN) - Tibet
Information Network -
Tibet Committee - Comité Canada Tibet -Canada
Tibet Committee -
Page of Tibet - Home
Page of Tibet - Sponsored by Tibet Study Association
Society UK - Tibet Society UK
Studies WWW Virtual Library - Tibetan
Studies WWW Virtual Library - This document keeps track of leading
information facilities in the field of Tibetan studies.
Justice Center - Tibet Justice
Center - The International Committee of Lawyers for Tibet (ICLT) advocates
self-determination for the Tibetan people. Through legal action and education,
ICLT promotes human rights, environmental protection, and peaceful resolution
of the situation in Tibet. A non-profit membership group, ICLT is supported
by attorneys, other concerned individuals, and organizations.
World Report on China and Tibet: - HRW
World Report on China and Tibet |
China is the
only major world power to have entered the twenty-first century with a
prison camp network - a frightening, mostly hidden realm known
since 1951 as the laogai system. |
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