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Embassy Listings For South Korea
Embassies of South Korea to Other Nations without websites
Embassy of The Republic of Korea in Darussalam, Brunei - No 17, Simpang 212-28, Kg. Rimba, Jalan Kg. Rimba, Brunei. BE3119. P.O.Box 2169, Bandar Seri Begawan BS8674, Brunei.  Tel: 673 - 2426038, 2426039, 2426040.  Fax: 673- 2426041.  E-mail: koreaemb@brunet.bn
General Consulate of The Republic of Korea in Shanghai, China - 4th Floor Shanghai Int'l Trade Center, 2200 Yan An Road (W), Shanghai, China.  Tel: (86-21) 6219 - 6417 20.  Fax: (86-21) 6219 - 6918.
Embassy of The Republic of Korea in Jakarta, Indonesia - Jl. Gend. Gatot Subroto 57, Jakarta Selatan, Indonesia.  Tel: (62-21) 520 - 1915.  Fax: (62-21) 525 - 4159.
Embassy of The Republic of Korea in Dublin, Ireland - 15 Clyde Road, Ballsbridge, Dublin 4, Ireland.  Tel: + (353 -1) - 660 - 8800/8053, 668 - 2109. Fax: (+353-1) - 660 - 8716.
Embassy of The Republic of Korea in Rome, Italy - Via Barnaba Oriani 30, 00197 Rome, Italy.  Tel: (39) 06 - 808 - 8769, 8820/1, 8875, 8912.  Fax: (39) 06 - 8068 - 7794.
Embassy of The Republic of Korea in Tokyo, Japan - 1-2-5, Minami Azabu, Minato-ku, Tokyo, Japan ( 106-8577).  Tel: (81-3) 3452 - 7611/9.  Fax: (81-3) 5232 - 6911.
Embassy of The Republic of Korea in Wellington, New Zealand -11th Floor ASB Bank Tower, 2 Hunter Street, Wellington, New Zealand. PO BOX 11-143, Manners Street, Wellington, New Zealand.  Tel: (64-4) 473 - 9073 /4.  Fax: (64-4) 472 - 3865.  E-Mail: koreaemb@world-net.co.nz
Embassy of The Republic of Korea in Islamabad, Pakistan - Block 13, St.29, Diplomatic Enclave II, G-5/4, Islamabad, Pakistan. G.P.O. Box 1087.  Tel: (92-51) 227 - 9380/2, 227 - 9395/7.  Fax: (92-51) 227 - 9391. E-mail: koremb1@comsats.net.pk
Embassy of The Republic of Korea in Taipei, Taiwan - Rm 1506, No.333, Sec.1, Kee-Lung Rd., Taipei, Taiwan. Tel: (886-2) 2758 - 8320/5.  Fax: (886-2) 2757 - 7006.
Embassy of The Republic of Korea in Bangkok, Thailand - 23 Thiam-Ruammit Road, Ratchadapisek, Huay Kwang, Bangkok 10320.  Tel:  2477537 - 41.  Fax: 2477535.  E-mail: korembas@kormail.net
Embassy of The Republic of Korea in Ankara, Turkey - Alacam Sokak No.5, Cinnah Caddesi, Cankaya, Ankara 06690, Turkey.  Tel: +90 - 312 - 468 - 4821/22/23, 467 - 7449, 427 - 1743.  Fax: +90 - 312 - 468 - 2279. 
E-mail: turkey@mofat.go.kr
Embassy of The Republic of Korea in Hanoi, Vietnam - 4 th Fl., Dae Ha Business Center, Kim Ma Street, Hanoi, Vietnam.  Tel: (84-4) 831 - 5111/6.  Fax: (84-4) 831 - 5117.  E-mail: korembviet@mofat.go.kr
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