Of Panama ~ Embassies ~ Consulates & Government Offices
It would be very hard for anyone
today to imagine what the Panama Canal Zone was like in its heyday,
which would have been in the 1940s and 50s. It was after the Suez Crisis
of 1956 when Egypt took control of its Canal that the whole question of
sovereignty over the Panama Canal and the Canal Zone began to change: you
could say the whole process of decolonization in the developing world which
was strongly backed by the U.S. after WWII, put an end to America’s oldest
colony. |
Panama has always looked to attract
foreign capital: it imports five times what it exports. Mostly tourism,
banana exports, shrimp exports, Canal fees, and foreign capital have covered
the trade gap: there is almost $40 billion in Panama’s banks, which is
quite high for a country with a population of 3 million, 300,000 of which
have money to put in a bank. |
In Panama the business environment
is excellent. Business people are king; no one likes a businessman
more than Panamanians. I am always surprised by the number of business
people with different ethnic backgrounds that are trading and negotiating
and just trying to make a buck in Panama: in this environment there is
little consensus so that public interests as represented by government
policy is weak in comparison to private business interests. Each ethnic
community in Panama has its own nitch: Muslims; used cars; Indians, small-loans
and electronics; Jewish, clothes and banking; Greeks, shipping and fishing;
Italians, imports of fine goods and supermarkets; Spanish, furniture; Chinese,
restaurants, construction and banking. In this business environment
just make sure that you don’t tread across someone else’s private interest.
You have to make a local contact in Panama in order to get what you need
done, though some kinds of businesses – internet-based businesses - fall
outside this fact – but still a local contact will help. Panama has
great construction and great communications, a legacy of the Canal. There
are many Internet providers and banks that offer everything from web hosting
to e-commerce accounts. |
Republic Of Panama
Panama is located in Central
America, bordering both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, between
Colombia and Costa Rica. Its location on the Isthmus of Panama is strategic.
In the year 2000, Panama took control of the Panama Canal that links the
Atlantic Ocean with the Pacific Ocean. |
Location of Panama
Flag of Panama
Official Name: República
de Panamá |
Area: 75,517 sq km (29,157
sq mi) |
Population: 3,232,000 |
Geographic coordinates: 9
00 N, 80 00 W |
Currency: Balboa (B/.1 =
US$ 1) US dollar |
Form of Goverment: Constitutional
democracy |
GDP - per capita (PPP): $11,900
(2008 est.) |
Provinces: Nine provinces,
comarcas [?] |
Language: Spanish (official),
English (14%) and indigenous Indian languages |
Freedom House Panama Rating: |
Political Rights Score: 1 |
Civil Liberties Score: 2 |
Status: Free |
House ranks nations on a scale from 1 to 7 [ 1 being the most
free, 7 the least free.]
Kuna, San Blas
Banking District, Panama City
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Comarcas -
Comarcas indígenas de Panamá
Comarcas: There are three
major Indian groups in Panama: the Kunas on the San Blas Islands off the
Caribbean coast, the Emberá in the province of Darien, and the Guaymies
in Chiriquí, Bocas del Toro, and Veraguas provinces. There are also
Teribe and Bokota Indians in Boca del Toro and Waunaans in Darien. To a
large degree the indigenous peoples of Panama have maintained their traditional
lifestyle; as a result, in addition to ten provinces, Panama also has three
'comarcas'; states belonging to indigenous peoples. There are actually
two other comarcas that do not have provincial status (Kuna de Madungandí
and Kuna de Waragandí) which are therefore not shown on the map.
Comarca (meaning shire or county), is a traditional region or local administrative
division found in parts of Spain, Portugal, Panama, Nicaragua, and Brazil. |